Whether you are new to manufacturing or you are a long-time machine operator or supervisor, having an understanding of the basic principles of machine alignment is essential when planning for highly efficient maintenance programs and for running your process lines at optimum levels. In this post, we provide you with easy access to several of our educational articles on alignment, machine alignment principles, and more.
What is Alignment? 
The many uses of the word “alignment” describe a structure between objects, ideas, or people. When mechanics use the word alignment, they generally mean the relationship between one mechanical component and another. In a three dimensional world, that implies that the component relationship is described in a way that leaves no degrees of freedom unaccounted for. . . READ ARTICLE
Why Level Machines?
What is level? Level is an imaginary plane level to Earth at any particular tangential point on our planet. Due to Earth’s gravity (which is approximately normal to the curvature of the Earth) the level plane can be measured quite easily by several methods. . . READ ARTICLE
Location, Location, Location – Establishing Proper Alignment Foundations
One of the most common tasks involving equipment alignment is locating machine components during installation. The erection process of a large or complex machine can be a daunting task. In some cases, the process involves thousands of components that fit perfectly together on the design engineer’s CAD software, but in reality are subject to real world conditions on the shop floor. . . READ ARTICLE
How to Align Machines – Getting Back to Basics
With many options in alignment tools and solutions available to manufacturers today, it is important to understand some basic principles of machine alignment so that you are making an informed decision when selecting the best solution for your particular machine or production line. . . READ ARTICLE
How Often Do You Need a Machine Alignment Inspection? 
One of the questions OASIS customers most often ask is “How often do I need to have my machine inspected for alignment?” Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer. There are a number of factors that can affect your equipment alignment, and these should be taken into consideration when creating a machine alignment inspection plan at your facility. . . READ ARTICLE
Is it Time for YOUR Machine Alignment Check Up?
Even though improving machine performance is a goal for most manufacturers, it can be difficult to know where to begin. An alignment audit (check-up) is a great way to get started. . . READ ARTICLE
Machine Alignment Handbook
Download your free copy of our “Machine Alignment Handbook” and learn more about machine alignment principles, precision measurement tooling and methodologies, and much more. . . DOWNLOAD NOW
If you would like to learn more about how machine alignment can help improve manufacturing efficiency at your facility, please contact us – an OASIS representative would be happy to assist you. For regular updates and educational articles on machine alignment, precision measurement tooling and methodologies, case studies and more, please be sure to join our email list.